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Silent Diesel Generator Most Popular Source of Power
The Diesel Generating set is an alternate, reliable source of power often used for meeting the electrical power requirement of establishments such as Industries, commercial, residential buildings, Hotels, Railway Stations, Telephone exchanges, Hospitals, Shops, etc. in the absence of main grid power.
We all agree that Electricity is one of the finest inventions in our lives. Everything and anything that we see run on one or the other form of electricity.
A characteristic of electricity is that it is not primary energy freely present in nature in remarkable amounts and hence it needs to be generated.
The popular methods used by the National Electricity Board and Utility Power supply companies for generating Electricity for Bulk Usage are,
- Thermal Power Generation
- Hydro-Electric Power Generation
- Nuclear Power Generation
Apart from these major types of power generations, we can resort to small-scale generation techniques as well, to serve the individual specific demands. These are often referred to as the alternative methods of power generation and are classified as: –
- Diesel power generation
- Gas power generation
- Wind power generation
- Solar power generation
- Tidal power generation
Electricity has become an inseparable part of our life today. We all know how much we are dependent on electricity for almost everything. With growing dependence on technology and interconnected systems that rely on electricity, power reliability becomes increasingly critical and hence you require an alternate source of power as a backup power system to continue the operations during the main’s power failure.
The alternate source of power is often referred to as Backup or Emergency power.
A Backup, or Emergency power system is a secondary source of a power supply providing electrical power in the absence of a primary source (main grid).
Solar, wind, battery, diesel/petrol generators, and tidal power generators are the secondary source of power generation. Each source has its advantages and limitations.
A Diesel Generating set (DG Set) is the most popular secondary source of power supply.
To know more about Backup Power System please Click here.
Traditionally, backup power has been provided by diesel generators
The Diesel Generating set is an alternate, reliable source of power often used for meeting the electrical power requirement of establishments such as Industries, commercial, residential buildings, Hotels, Railway Stations, Telephone exchanges, Hospitals, Shops, etc. in the absence of main grid power.
Diesel generators have been field-proven as backup power systems, and their reliability has been tested on remote sites.
Diesel generating sets are extremely useful appliances meant to supply electrical power during situations like a main grid power failure and are a prime source of electric power supply to critical process industries commercial establishments and places where Grid Power is not available.
If you are not proverbial with diesel generators, you probably might wonder what they are and how they work.
If you are an amateur or a non-technical professional, who wants to know Everything about Diesel Generating sets, then you are in right place.
This blog post will provide an overview of a Diesel Generating set, aka DG Set aka Generating Set.
This will surely help you to get an insight into, what a Diesel Generating Set is and how it generates electrical power.
History of the Diesel Generator
The diesel generator owes its roots to two inventors

Michael Faraday 1791- 1867

Rudolph Diesel 1858- 1913
Michael Faraday- Creator of the first Generator
Rudolph Diesel – Creator of the Diesel Engine
Rudolf Diesel coupled his diesel engine with the Faraday’s generator which led to the diesel generator that we know today.
His design was large and very heavy and found more use in industrial applications as a generator. They were used to power pipelines and for electric plants and water plants. Later, they found applications in the mines and oil fields.
The diesel generator is simply the coupling of the diesel engine with an electrical generator and has been used throughout history since its invention, for various applications.
What is Diesel Generating Set?
A Diesel Generating Set is an electrical machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.
A diesel generating set is the combination of a diesel engine coupled with an electric generator (often an alternator) to generate electrical energy. It is also called a Diesel Generator or DG set or simply Genset.
[A Generator is a device that translates mechanical energy, such as supplied by the output shaft of a diesel engine, into electrical energy which becomes available at the generator terminals, and an Alternator is a generator that supplies alternating current-AC.]
The diesel engine and alternator are coupled together through a flexible coupling and mounted with AVM pads on a common Structural / MS sheet, fabricated rigid base frame with integral fuel tank, along with accessories like an engine starting Batteries, control panel, Radiator, etc.
The complete DG assembly along with accessories is enclosed by a specially designed integral Acoustic Enclosure at the manufacturing stage itself, for reduction of DG set noise, to comply with the MoEF / CPCB’s stringent noise pollution norms of 75 dBA at 1 meter at 75% load, under free field conditions. https://cpcb.nic.in/guidelines/
Basic of Diesel Generator
A diesel engine burns diesel and converts chemical energy into thermal energy, the diesel engine converts this thermal energy to rotating mechanical energy which rotates an electric generator (alternator) to convert it into electrical energy.

A simple explanation for this is that diesel generators operate as electrical machine that converts one source of energy into another form of energy. In this case, an electric generator works by taking mechanical energy and converting it into electrical energy.
Here it is important to understand that a generator does not actually ‘create’ electrical energy.
Instead, it uses the mechanical energy supplied to it to force the movement of electric charges present in the wire of its winding through an external electric circuit. This flow of electric charges constitutes the output electric current supplied by the generator.
This mechanism can be understood by considering the generator to be analogous to a water pump, which causes the flow of water but does not create the water flowing through it.
The important components of a Silent Diesel Generator
- Diesel engine
- Alternator
- Voltage Regulator
- Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR)
- Base frame / Skid
- Control Panel
- Acoustic enclosure
Diesel Engine:
The diesel engine is the most important part of the Genset. It is the prime mover that drives the generator (alternator) to produce electricity.
The engine is generally the portion of the machine that converts the fuel source into usable energy and allows it to move or perform its mechanical function. Therefore, Engines are sometimes called the prime mover of the machine.
The diesel engine is a heat engine that transforms the chemical energy of diesel into thermal energy and utilizes this thermal energy to rotate the alternator and generate electrical energy.
Diesel Engines are rated in KW or HP. Their performance is measured in their fuel consumption in liters or gallons per KWh produced, their thermal efficiency, noise level, lube oil consumption, and exhaust gas emissions.
The Diesel engine used for generating electrical energy (Power) is a 4-stroke, Reciprocating, Compression Ignition (CI), Internal Combustion (IC) Engine.
The Alternator is another important component of the D G Set. It converts the mechanical input from the diesel engine into electrical output.
An alternator is an electromechanical device that translates mechanical energy supplied by the output shaft of a Prime mover, into electrical energy which becomes available at the alternator terminals.
Alternators are also known as ac generators or synchronous generators and operate on the fundamental principle of electromagnetic induction.
The alternator works on Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction. Faraday discovered the process of ‘electromagnetic induction in the early 1830s.
Voltage Regulator
As the name suggests it regulates the alternator output voltage.
The Voltage Regulator is the most complicated part of an alternator. It regulates the output voltage of an alternator. The voltage regulator ensures that an alternator generates electricity at a steady voltage.
In absence of a voltage regulator, the alternator output voltage will fluctuate with engine speed. The electrical devices we use cannot function on such an unsteady power supply.
The purpose of the voltage regulator is to keep alternator output smooth and uniform.
Automatic voltage regulation (AVR)
The Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) is a component of the excitation system that automatically monitors alternator output voltage.
During continuous operation, AVR captures the different parameters of the system such as terminal voltage status, load condition, reactive power, etc., and based on an algorithm, it adjusts the excitation current to regulate the alternator output voltage.
Control panel
The control panel is the user interface of DG Set.
The control panel is required to start and stop the diesel generator set and monitor the engine and alternator performance parameters. Optionally control panel can provide a manual/auto synchronizing system for running multiple DG sets in parallel.
A control panel for isolating the mains while the alternator is running, disconnecting the alternator when the mains supply is available, etc. is designed and assembled as per the customer requirement.
The diesel generator manufacturers offer varied features in the control panel as per customer requirements such as: –
- Manual start and stop system, optionally auto start, and stop system can be provided in the control panel, to automatically start your generator during a power outage, monitor the generator while in operation, and automatically shut down the unit when no longer required.
- Gauges to indicate engine oil pressure, coolant temperature, battery voltage, engine rotation speed, and duration of the operation, with the built-in shut down of the DG Set when any of these parameters cross their set values.
- The control panel is also fitted with meters to measure output current, voltage, and operating frequency.
- It is necessary to keep an eye on these gauges for the smooth functioning of the DG set.
Base Frame / Skid – All generators, portable or stationary have customized base frames that provide structural base support.
Every generator needs to be held in some way, and this is the main frame of the assembly. It houses the whole DG set, and all the diesel generator accessories are mounted on it. The fuel tank is an integral part of the base frame. The base frame also allows the generator to be earthed for safety.
It holds everything together, and it is designed for extra safekeeping and sound attenuation. The outdoor generators are usually housed in a protecting frame that is weatherproof for damage prevention.
If you’re in the market for a diesel generator but are not sure which DG set is right for you, or if you’re looking for a diesel generator within a budget, please reach out to us at www.sgpowerplus.com or send us an email at sg@suhasghatnekar.com. We can work with you to find the right fit for your needs
Additionally, you can fill out our Contact Form and we will get back to you!
Acoustic Enclosure
An acoustic enclosure is a specially designed modular acoustic chamber to reduce high noise coming out of the DG Set.
Acoustic enclosures have sound absorption panels to reduce the noise. The modular built design of the enclosure makes it easy to install.
The Acoustic Enclosure is generally made of 1.2 mm to 1.6 mm thick CRCA sheets, duly powder coated to withstand extreme environmental exposure and inside sound absorption panels fitted with High-quality noise absorbent and fire-retardant grade acoustic insulation material (Rockwool / Acoustic Foam) complying to IS 8183 and stainless-steel hardware for long life. The Acoustic Enclosure is Specially designed to meet stringent MoEF/ CPCB norms of 75 dBA, at 75% load, at 1 meter from enclosure surface under free field conditions, and to have optimum serviceability. The Acoustic Enclosure is made on special-purpose CNC machines for consistency in quality and workmanship.
Acoustic enclosures are weatherproof and can be used in extreme weather conditions like heavy rains, summer, and winter.
Undoubtedly, diesel generators have become indispensable in the present times. Diesel Generators are required almost everywhere from homes, offices, and hospitals to industries, but the very fact is that they generate noise when they operate.
The Diesel Generator comes with noise.
The different sizes of D G Sets could sound different:
A small generator could have an output of 50 kW and might generate as much noise as city traffic, or about 85 decibels.
In contrast, 1,500 kW models may emit about 105 decibels, which you could compare to the sound of a jet airplane flying about 1,000 feet over your head.
In general, the sound at or below 70 dBA is considered safe for human ears. Any sound at or above 80 dBA is more likely to damage human hearing and affect the quality of life.
Similarly, A typical diesel engine converts the chemical energy of diesel to mechanical energy, which rotates the generator to produce electricity. While the diesel is burnt in the diesel engine, it emits Oxides of Nitrogen, Carbon Monoxide, and particulate matter to the environment through the engine exhaust. These emissions are detrimental to the environment as well as to human beings.
To control the Noise and Emission pollution, the Central Pollution Control Board along with the Ministry of Forest and Environment Government of India has laid down maximum permissible limits for noise and exhaust emission to the environment by diesel engines used as a prime mover for Diesel Generating sets.
As per MOEF / CPCB guidelines the maximum permissible sound level for the DG set up to 1000 kVA / 800kW under free field conditions should not exceed 75 dBA at 75% load at 1 meter from the enclosure surface and it is mandatory for all diesel generator manufacturers to ensure it at the manufacturing stage by providing acoustic enclosure.
Similarly, according to CPCB, the emission of oxides of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, particulate matter, and hydrocarbons in a diesel generator should not exceed as per the table below. Apr. 29, 2019
The Central Pollution Control Board shall be the nodal agency for the implementation of Noise and Emission permissible limits
The noise and emissions from new diesel engines used in generator sets shall be regulated by the CPCB along with the Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India.
The regulations impose Type Approval Certification and Conformity of Production (COP) and label requirements to be carried out by CPCB authorized agencies.
Every manufacturer, assembler, and importer of the Diesel Engine for Genset application and Diesel Generating set for use in India must obtain a Type Approval and Conformity of Product (COP) certificate for each COP year. (COP year is from 1st July to 30th June of the following year.)
No person shall sell, import, or use a diesel engine for genset application or, a diesel generating set that does not have a valid Type Approval certificate and certificate of COP
Any violation of this is a criminal offense, punishable under section 15 of the Environment (Protection) act, 1986, with imprisonment of up to five years and a fine of up to Rs. One lac.
Important: While purchasing the DG set, ensure that the DG set is duly certified by nodal agencies appointed by CPCB. (Mentioned above)
Ensure you purchase Diesel Generator set from CPCB certified DG set manufacturer only, to avoid any penalty from CPCB / Govt. of India.
You may contact us or send an email to sg@suhasghatnekar.com for your requirement for the DG set. We will help you to get the right SDG from CPCB certified manufacturer with COP and Type approval certificates, to avoid legal hassles in the future.
All Diesel Generators manufactured, sold, and used in INDIA are Silent Diesel Generator (SDG) sets to comply with CPCB Noise and Emission regulations.
As per CPCB / Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India, Noise, and Emission regulations, the Diesel Generators manufactured, sold, imported, and used in India are necessarily Silent Diesel Generators (SDG)
As the name suggests, silent DG sets are meant to create minimal noise and are environment friendly and ideal for operation in residential areas.
The Silent Diesel Generating set is a combination of a DG set and an Acoustic Enclosure for the reduction of DG set noise.
Silent Diesel Generating Sets are used in countless industrial and commercial establishments. The silent diesel generators can be used for small loads, such as in homes, as well as for larger loads like industrial plants, hospitals, and commercial buildings.
They can either be prime power sources or standby/backup power sources.
The Silent DG sets are available in different physical as well as electrical configurations and are portable, easy to install, and ready-to-use (RTU) plug-and-use.
They are available in various specifications and sizes, but they all work primarily the same way and have the same core components.
They can range in size from small, hand-operated units to larger sets that are installed in vehicles, on trailers, or even in buildings.
Silent diesel generators are available in variants of HHP, MHP, and LHP (high, medium, and low horsepower). Based on the output DG sets are classified as follows-
- Retail Low Horsepower Gensets – 5 to 75 kVA
- Low Horsepower (LHP) Gensets – 82.5 to 160 kVA
- Medium Horsepower (MHP) Gensets – 180 to 500 KVA
- High Horsepower (HHP) Gensets – 600 KVA to 3500 kVA
HHP generator sets are meant for critical standby duty in emergencies, black-outs, and prime power or peak saving applications in sectors such as banking, healthcare & Pharma, mining, power plants, government facilities, and large commercial reality. Retail LHP DG sets are typically used in simple homes and personal applications like shops and recreational events. LHP and MHP DG sets are mainly used in industrial, residential, and commercial applications.
For home use, single-phase power generators are sufficient. Three-phase power generators are primarily used for industrial purposes.
Some of the major SDG Set manufacturers in India are:
- Cummins India Ltd.
- Jakson Group
- Sudhir Power Ltd.
- Powerica Ltd.
- Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd.
- Greaves Cotton Ltd.
- Mahindra Powerol Ltd.
- Ashok Leyland Ltd.
- Caterpillar India Private limited
- Eicher Motors Ltd.
- Escorts Ltd.
- Kohler India Corporation Pvt. Ltd.
- Sonalika Group
When and where to Use Diesel Generating Sets?
The Diesel Generating set is generally compact and thus can be located wherever it is required. The Diesel Generating sets are used to produce limited amounts of electrical energy. In most countries, the DG Sets are used as emergency supply Units.
The diesel generating sets are installed where power is to be generated in small quantity or where standby power is required for continuity of supply such as in data centers, continuous processes, hospitals, telephone exchanges, etc., or where the main grid power supply is not available.
There are many parts of the world where using a Diesel Generating set is the only viable option for providing electrical power to the local population reliably. This is generally due to the geometrical conditions that do not allow the power grid to reach such areas or isolated communities like Island.
In such cases, two or more DG sets operated in parallel are used to provide a reliable power supply to the local population.
A diesel power plant has more than two generators that operate in parallel. For the parallel operation, the generators are electrically connected in synchronization (matching voltage, frequency, and phase).
A diesel power plant may or may not be connected to the main power grid.
When to Use Diesel Generators
Diesel Generators are useful appliances that supply electrical power during a power outage and prevent discontinuity of daily activities or disruption of business operations.
The diesel power plants are generally used as follows:
When worksites, homes, industries, or buildings do not have access to grid power, diesel generators provide an ideal alternative.
In the case of construction sites where access to a power grid is impossible or a transport ship needs energy for navigation and propulsion systems, the voltage produced by diesel is sufficient.
A diesel generator also can take the place of an uninterruptible power supply (UPS).
A generator can provide redundancy if a power grid suffers an outage. This power redundancy allows businesses to maintain their operations, hospitals to retain the use of their instruments, and airports to preserve system integrity.
Any organization that controls mission-critical applications such as Data Center, can benefit from having a diesel generator available as a reliable power source.
The diesel generating sets are mainly used as:
(1) Peak load Unit: A diesel generator can be used in combination with thermal or hydro-plants as peak load units. They can be easily started or stopped at a short notice to meet the peak demand.
(2) Mobile Unit: A Diesel Generator mounted on trailers can be used for temporary or emergency purposes such as for supplying power to large civil engineering works, and Disaster management.
(3) Standby unit: If the main unit fails or cannot cope with the demand, diesel generators can supply the necessary power. For example, if water available in a hydro-plant is not adequately available due to less rainfall, the diesel generators can operate in parallel to generate the shortfall in power.
(4) Emergency Unit: During power interruption in a vital unit like a key industrial plant, hospital, mall, or residential complex, a diesel generator can be used to generate the needed power.
(5) Nursery Unit: In the absence of the main grid, a diesel generator can be installed to supply power in a small town. In course of time, when electricity from the main grid becomes available in the town, the diesel generator can be shifted to some other area that needs power on a small scale. Such a diesel generator is called a “nursery station”.
(6) Starting Unit: A diesel generator can be used to run the auxiliaries (like FD and ID fans, BFP, etc.) for starting a large steam power plant.
(7) Central station: A diesel generator can be used as a central station when the power requirement is small.
DG Set Power Rating Guidelines:
- These ratings describe maximum allowable loading conditions on a Diesel Generator set.
- The Diesel Generator set will provide acceptable performance and life when applied according to the published ratings.
- It is also important to operate diesel generator sets at a sufficient minimum load to achieve normal temperatures and properly burn fuel.
- It is recommended that a diesel generator set should be operated at a minimum of 30% of its nameplate rating.
Generator Set Power Rating Guidelines:
- Emergency Standby Power (ESP)
- Prime Power (PRP)
- Limited-Time Running Prime (LTP)
- Continuous Power (COP)
To know more on DG set Power Rating Guidelines Please CLICK HERE
In recent years, the shortage of power, coupled with unreliable and poor quality of the power supply from the main grid has resulted in a proliferation of captive diesel generator sets, as an alternate source of power. This is happening, particularly, in urban areas where the need is greater.
Well, diesel generating sets are immensely useful appliances meant to supply electrical power during situations like a main grid power outage and are a prime source of electric power supply to critical process industries and commercial establishments.
An Open and Silent Diesel Generator (SDG) looks like

When compared to other power backup facilities like Battery Inverters and Petrol Generator sets, silent DG sets have huge advantages, which make them the gensets of choice among a wide range of enterprises and people around the world.
The Diesel Generators fulfill the need for a power supply during a blackout. They are a popular lot when compared to other fuel sources. So, what is it that gives the diesel generators an edge over others?
Advantages of Diesel Generating Set
The primary advantages of a DG set are −
- The construction and layout of a DG set are quite simple.
- It requires less space because the number and size of its auxiliary equipment are small.
- Low installation cost. Less civil engineering work is required.
- It can be easily installed at any place and located near the load center.
- It starts quickly and easily picks up the load variations in a short time.
- It requires less cooling water because of the close loop cooling system.
- It requires a short start-up time, no long warming period can be started and loaded in less than 7 to 10 sec.
- Its thermal efficiency is higher compared to other power plants.
- It requires less technical staff for operation and maintenance.
- The maintenance cost is minimal as compared to the other power plants and is user-friendly.
- It is fuel-efficient and can produce more electricity per liter of diesel than the generators running on any other fuel.
- It is designed to be long-lasting. Their rugged and sturdy design makes them ideal for operation even under difficult conditions.
- They are available in a wide range from 5 kVA to 3500 kVA.
- If maintained regularly, the diesel generator has a longer shelf-life and lower operating costs.
- Easier handling and storage of diesel fuel compared to other fuels. Diesel fuel has a higher flash point and hence less probability of an accident by blast or fire.
- They are easily transportable by land, sea, or air
Silent Diesel Generators (SDG) have been essential for factories and commercial establishments, which need backup power, the absence of power resulting in huge revenue losses for them. So, having ready backup power in times of need is critical for them.
With the temperatures routinely soaring to record levels during the summers, it is very common to find a diesel generator even in households and residential complexes nowadays.
Arguably the most popular form of DG sets nowadays is the silent ones.
The Silent DG sets manufactured by Cummins G’OEMs, are powerful, economical, convenient, and noise-free.
Silent Diesel generating sets are extremely useful in industries, commercial establishments, and residential complexes due to their wide range of advantages. You can either hire or buy a silent diesel generator depending on your requirement.
Whenever you need an alternative source of power, look no further than the Cummins Silent Diesel Generator Set.
Whether you need a generator for your commercial establishment or your house, you can safely rely upon the silent DG sets manufactured by CUMMINS G’OEMs. They are long-lasting, require low maintenance, and are highly fuel-efficient, giving you reliable power backup at the least cost possible
Cummins Silent DG Sets are customers’ preferred choice across a wide range of industries, including Infrastructure & Realty, IT & ITES, Healthcare & Hospitality, Agrochemical, Automobile, Manufacturing, and Aqua.
Cummins silent generators are known for their fuel efficiency, low emissions, superb performance, and rugged reliability. This is the reason why consumers have chosen to use Cummins silent generators manufactured by their GOEMs over a variety of Genset manufacturers in India.
If you’re looking for advice, consultation, or seeking more information about which SDG type would be best for you, please click here to reach out to us or send us an email: sg@suhasghatnekar.com
Additionally, you can fill out our Contact Form with any questions or inquiries and we will get right back to you.
In this blog post, we have walked you through the basics of Silent Diesel Generating Sets.
Now that you have become familiar with what is, Diesel Generator and Silent Diesel Generator set, their important parts, and how it works, you’re ready to handle any query on Diesel Generating set that comes your way.
In short, the diesel engine supplies the mechanical energy of the alternator, which is then converted to an electrical current
Diesel engines provide durable, reliable energy to meet both mobile and stationary power needs. A continuous power supply can mean the difference between life and death. Thanks to diesel-powered generators, supplies of food, water, medicines, and fuel can be protected during natural disasters, days of peak grid demand, and in remote or isolated locations.
The basic purpose of a diesel generator is to provide electric backup power in the event of a main grid power supply failure, or in the absence of main grid power.
Having an emergency/standby diesel generator as backup power is an excellent choice for business owners as well as homeowners to continue without any interruption in the absence of main grid power.
The Diesel Generating set is an alternate, reliable source of power often used for meeting the electrical power requirement whenever there is a grid power supply is not available.
You have also understood, the top uses of diesel generator sets. Each application shows just how useful the equipment is and what it can do for you. Therefore, it makes sense to invest in a diesel generator set.
We will help you to Get a reliable Diesel Generator as a backup power system
Contact Us at sg@suhasghatnekar.com or Please click here to know more about us.
Electricity is a resource that comes with a cost. We should value it as a resource that has to be used carefully and wisely.
In this post, we have tried to compile all freely available information on various internet sites, so ultimately you do not need to spend your time searching for it.
Now next in the series on Power Generation we will post about the Diesel Engines.
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Suhas Ghatnekar
The author is an Electrical engineer from the National Institute of Technology Rourkela India, an enterprising techno-commercial professional in the
field of diesel engines and diesel generators.